Check out our class recordings that will be sent to you once you have registered.
- Meditation for Health Care Professionals Class
- EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique Intro Class
- Aromatherapy Intro Class
- Holistic Practice Class
- Breath Work Class Class
- Raise Your Vibration Daily Meditations
- OT and Integrative Health Mastermind
- OT and Coaching: Skills and Confidence for OTs as the Original Life Coach
- Marketing Essentials for the Occupational Therapist
- The Power of the Mind in Healing: Foundations in Integrative Health
- Heal the Blueprint of the Soul with Energy Healing: Auras, Chakras, and Meridians
- Guided Meditation: Imagery and Healing
- Interactive Mindfulness: Emotions and Healing
- Holistic Healing Certificate Program – Putting it into Practice
- The OT Well-Being Summit
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