Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L is the CoHost on New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD. Watch or listen to all of her interviews here.
Emmy interviewed thought leaders and health care practitioners about integrative health, wellness, spirituality, intuition, and consciousness on her Healing Connections Podcast (now archived).
Listen to Healing Connections on YouTube, ApplePodcasts, Spotify, and other podcast platforms.
Stress Resilience and Wellbeing
Episode 54 – Jen Willoughby Vogtmann, OTD, OTR/L was interviewed about “Stress Resilience and Wellbeing” on 1/12/22.
Jen Willoughby Vogtmann, OTD, OTR/L shares findings from her recent research study that was co-authored with Ingrid Provident, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA, “Building Stress Resilience and Wellbeing: Introducing Mindfulness Training to Reduce Stress in Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Students.” This study was statistically significant with helping participants (OT students) lower their perceived stress levels. Occupational Therapy students were able to feel more calm, engage more mindfully in every day activities, and be able to respond vs. react in situations. Students requested that meditations accompany the beginning of each class. She hopes to see calming activities, such as meditation, breath work, and mindfulness incorporated into occupational therapy curricula and all school programs. She shared evidence that children as young as pre-school age can begin using these activities to build stress resilience and wellbeing throughout life. Jen Willoughby Vogtmann, OTD, OTR/L, is an Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master and Teacher, and Associate Professor in the school of occupational therapy at Baker College with 18 years of clinical practice. She teaches Complementary Therapies, Wellness, and Occupation. Jen has a private practice and blends her Holistic Healing Training into her services. She is passionate about incorporating energy healing, guided imagery, mindfulness, and inquiry-based stress reduction techniques into her health and wellness coaching. She honors each person’s own vision of spirituality when promoting health and wellness. She is passionate about building a mindful community of occupational therapists and healers. After dealing with the death of her own father, stepmom, and her husband’s parents, Jen recognized a void in services and identified a growing need for OT’s to support engagement among people living with life limiting illnesses and their families. As a result, Jen specializes in wellness, aging in place, legacy building and end-of-life plans well in advance for clients in her practice.
Connecting to Your Heart
Episode 53 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Connecting to Your Heart” on 1/07/22.
Emmy shares that love is our true and authentic self. We all want to have loving relationships. Each relationship teaches us, ultimately about how to love ourselves and others better. Emmy provides three simple tips to help you connect with your heart, live with more love, joy, meaning, and purpose. 1. Play – engage in an activity you enjoy doing. 2. Meditate on the heart and love. 3. Step back and observe yourself and others from a place of love. When you are able to experience positive vibes, bring love to your wounds, and connect with others’ hearts, the more loving our world may be. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Healing Environment
Episode 52 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Healing Environment” on 12/16/21.
Emmy shares that we desire healing as we all experience dis-ease during our lives. She shares how to improve your external and internal environment for optimal healing. She gives prompts for you to consider how to improve what you experience with your senses, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, expectations, and relationships with yourself and others. Being open to giving and receiving love may also help with your healing environment to feel more whole, peace, and joy. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Magical Healing
Episode 51 – Dr. Paul J. Leslie was interviewed about “Magical Healing” on 12/08/21.
Paul shares that magical healing can occur when a therapist or health care practitioner moves beyond the medical or disease based model that primarily focuses on a problem. Magical healing happens in an interaction model where both the client and practitioner are alive, dynamic, flowing, being spontaneous in the moment, and in the realm of intuition. He shares that many therapists adhere to what they consider safe theories and techniques and cling to linear approaches when helping clients. Moving into the realm of the unknown, outside of every day experiences, and trusting oneself, can create mastery through mystery. Dr. Paul J. Leslie is a psychotherapist, educator, and international trainer who has extensive experience in creative, resource directed approaches to working with clients. He offers training and coaching to other professionals to help them find innovative ways in which they can bring more creativity, wisdom, and healing to their work. He assists others in becoming open to the magic and mystery of life while transcending the limiting patterns which bind them. He is also an author who writes in the areas of psychotherapy, healing, and personal transformation. One of his most recent books is, “The Art of Creating a Magical Session: Key Elements for Transformative Psychotherapy.” Learn more at https://drpaulleslie.com/.
Getting Clarity and Direction
Episode 50 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Getting Clarity and Direction” on 12/03/21.
There are times in your life where you may have confusion and need more clarity on what direction to take. Emmy offers four tips plus a bonus technique that may help you. 1. Take time to think about what you what and don’t want. 2. Quiet your mind. 3. Notice what has risen to the surface. 4. Use divination tools, or your own images or symbols. In the bonus step, she shares how you can access conflicting parts of you to come to an understanding on the best path forward, knowing that sometimes timing plays a role. Emmy shares personal examples that have helped shape her decisions in her life, including choices around employment and coping with the physical loss of her mom. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Signs and Symbols
Episode 49 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Signs and Symbols” on 11/19/21.
Emmy shares how signs and symbols are subtle yet powerful ways to connect to your intuition. She provides examples of how signs can come in your life through music, the radio, podcasts, dreams, and something you read, see, or a person says to you. Setting an intention to receive a sign may help you to get information to know you’re on the right track, help you make decisions, have healthy relationships, and live a more meaningful and joyful live. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Addiction and Spirituality
Episode 48 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dave Roberts, LMSW about “Addiction and Spirituality” on 11/11/21.
Dave shares that there are many forms of addiction, including substance use, gambling, sex, internet, food, and shopping. He provides ways that spirituality may enhance a person to feel more hope and a greater connection to the universe to help people cope, ease pain, loss, trauma, and grief. He shares examples of how his clients have helped his spirituality expand through connecting with their passed loved ones. He offers simple ways for people to develop their spirituality to heal from addiction. David J. Roberts, Licensed Marriage Social Worker, became a parent who experienced the death of a child, when his daughter Jeannine died of cancer on 3/1/03 at the age of 18. He is a retired addiction professional and an adjunct professor in the psychology and psychology-child life departments at Utica College. Dave has contributed numerous articles on transformation of grief, and addiction, to several online sites and publications. His first book is co-authored with Reverend Patty Furino, When The Psychology Professor Met The Minister, was published in March of this year. Learn more at PsychologyProfessorandMinister.com.
Being in the Flow
Episode 47 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Being in the Flow” on 11/05/21.
Emmy shares how being in the flow can improve joy, creativity, intuition, love, and problem-solving. Being in the present moment and enjoying the moment may increase being in the zone and having peak experiences. She suggests activities that may improve your ability to be in the flow and enjoy life more, such as play, meditation, prayer, being in nature, engaging in mind-body-spirit health and wellness activities, and surrounding yourself with beauty and people you enjoy. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Intentions that Work for You
Episode 46 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Intentions that Work for You” on 10/29/21.
Emmy shares how to create the best intentions to manifest your goals and dreams. Getting crystal clear with what you want and don’t want will make your path easier. Utilizing the law of attraction with writing, art, images, affirmations, meditation, and prayer can help you achieve your goals. Intuition can support you to become aware of the inner workings of your mind to easily develop your own personal affirmations and intentions. Becoming aware of your beliefs, self-talk, and expectations can help you identify barriers and areas that may need transformation. Once you have set your intentions in motion, timing and patience may ultimately bring you the highest good and greatest joy. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Animal Communication
Episode 45 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Kathy Van Guilder about “Animal Communication” on 10/19/21.
Kathy shares that animals are supreme beings or angels who are here to help us humans to live in the heart and support us on our journeys. We can all learn how to communicate with animals, and many of us are doing this already. She provides tips and suggestions on how to communicate with animals, including a free download to strengthen your intuitive abilities and confidence. She provides an animal communication demonstration with insightful messages from Emmy’s dog, Lola, that can help everyone. Kathy has served to connect people and their pets, both living and deceased, through animal communication, for over 15 years. Not only can she help people to know how their animal is feeling, what they need & gain insight into any concerns people have about their pet’s; but she also helps people hear the amazing wisdom their pets want to share with them so that they feel better and have a happier life. She teaches people how to communicate with animals through live and online courses and provides immediate help to people and their pet’s through one on one personal sessions. She works with animals and their humans locally in the Minneapolis St. Paul area, greater Minnesota, and globally. Kathy is the author of, “For the Love of Animals, the Untold Thoughts of Our Pets”, a book that shares stories and photographs of some of the animals she has communicated with to help people better understand their pet’s and the true purpose of why they are in our lives. Kathy is also a professional pet photographer and owner of Kathy Van Guilder Photography. Visit https://kathyvanguilder.com/ and https://kathyvanguilderphotography.com/
Harnessing the Wounded Healer
Episode 44 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Harnessing the Wounded Healer” on 10/15/21.
Emmy shares that the wounded healer is an archetype or area of your life where you have the greatest wound and the also the greatest opportunity to grow and heal. Through a healing journey you can learn how to heal your wound and help heal others. You can learn greater compassion, empathy, and love for yourself and others. This can lower a sense of loneliness with a connection to all. Emmy shares personal stories of areas where the wounded healer has been the most active in her life and how she has then been able to help others. In the process of helping and healing others, you can learn and grow with more joy and contentment in life. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Improving Self-Compassion with a Nonjudgmental Attitude
Episode 43 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Improving Self-Compassion with a Nonjudgmental Attitude” on 10/08/21.
Emmy describes how your sense of self-compassion and a non-judging attitude can impact your mental and physical health and wellness. When you are judging yourself, consciously or unconsciously, you then in turn can judge others. This influences the quality of love and your satisfaction in relationships. She shares methods to increase your self-compassion, acceptance, and love for yourself for more positive emotions, a higher vibration, and a greater connection to intuition. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Staying Positive in Troubling Times
Episode 42 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dave Roberts, LMSW about “Staying Positive in Troubling Times” on 9/29/21.
Dave shares that embracing all emotions while also being hopeful can lead to greater joy and contentment in life. He shares how his affirmations and intentions to have a greater connection to spirit led to several synchronicities and people who supported him with his grief, after the passing of his daughter. David J. Roberts, Licensed Marriage Social Worker, became a parent who experienced the death of a child, when his daughter Jeannine died of cancer on 3/1/03 at the age of 18. He is a retired addiction professional and an adjunct professor in the psychology and psychology-child life departments at Utica College. Dave has contributed numerous articles on transformation of grief, and addiction, to several online sites and publications. His first book is co-authored with Reverend Patty Furino, When The Psychology Professor Met The Minister, was published in March of this year. Learn more at PsychologyProfessorandMinister.com.
The Greatest Commodity in the Universe
Episode 41 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “The Greatest Commodity in the Universe” on the Healing Connections Podcast 9/24/21.
Emmy shares, what she believes, is the greatest commodity in the universe. She describes how love is the highest vibration of the universe that binds us all together and can help us heal. The energy we emit can be modified by how much love is flowing through us and can impact our relationships. When connected to love we are more aligned with intuition that can increase creativity, decision-making, and joy. Challenging experiences can teach us how to love better and ultimately enhance all of our lives. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Acupressure for Stress and Tension
Episode 40 – Deanna Waggy, OTR was interviewed about “Acupressure for Stress and Tension” on the Healing Connections Podcast on 9/17/21.
Deanna shares three simple acupressure techniques to help lower stress and tension that can be done day or night, anywhere. Each technique helps to lower the stress response to the relaxation response to increase a sense of well-being, connection to yourself, and spirituality. Deanna has a passion for promoting excellence within Occupational Therapy, Zero Balancing and Soul Lightening Acupressure through public speaking, writing, mentoring, study groups and research. She provides virtual and in-person holistic wellness services, acupressure classes, spiritual direction and consultation. She created a series of virtual classes for 2022 incorporating contemplative reflection, spiritual practices and self-care resources for whole-being health. Deanna and her husband live in South Bend, Indiana and enjoy their 3 acre wooded property, which they share with a variety of wildlife and birds. You can discover more at DWaggy.com.
Mind-Body Practices for Pain
Episode 39 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Mind-Body Practices for Pain” on the Healing Connections Podcast 9/10/21.
Emmy describes how the mind and body are one – our thoughts and emotions can affect the body, and the body can affect the mind. The stress response, known as the “fight, flight, or freeze” response can create or exacerbate tension and pain in the body. The relaxation response, known as the “rest and digest” response may help reduce pain. She shares five mind-body practices that may lower pain and prevent conditions that may lead to pain, such as: 1. Guided Imagery 2. Yoga 3. Massage and Bodywork 4. Mindfulness 5. Intuitive Development Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. https://emmyvadnais.com/book
Success through Failure
Episode 38 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Scarlett V Clark about “Success through Failure” on the Healing Connection Podcast on 8/24/21.
Scarlett V Clark is the CEO and founder of the Smart Girl Tribe that is the UK’s #1 female empowerment organization. Scarlett is the author of “The Smart Girls Handbook.” She has worked with UN Women, the British Council, Women for Women International, Harvard University, and the NSPCC, and through her online community is redefining girlhood. Scarlett shares that to be successful in life you need to continue past “failures” that are really learning experiences. She provides encouragement to tame the inner critic and keep going when you’re feeling down. She shares what it means to her to be successful by living an authentic life and loving yourself. She openly discusses her challenges with anxiety and how she manages it, and shares many tips, including guided visualization and gratitude, to reach your dreams and goals. Visit http://smartgirltribe.com/ and follower her on Instagram at scarlett_v_clark and Smart Girls Tribe on Instagram and Twitter @smartgirltribe
Three Tips for Meditation
Episode 37 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Three Tips for Meditation” on the Healing Connections Podcast on 8/7/21. Emmy shares three tips to help you have a great and successful meditation practice:
1. Select the Environment
2. Select the Focus
3. Let Go of Trying
She guides you in a heart meditation to help you connect to love for yourself and others. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
Is Mindfulness or Relaxation Better for You?
Episode 36 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “Is Mindfulness or Relaxation Better for You?” on the Healing Connections Podcast on 7/30/21. Emmy shares what the latest research says about how acceptance-based therapies, such as mindfulness and relaxation are similar in their ability to lower worry, anxiety, and depression and increase overall quality of life. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here. “A randomized clinical trial comparing an acceptance-based behavior therapy to applied relaxation for generalized anxiety disorder.”
The Myth of Meditation
Episode 35 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares about “The Myth of Meditation” on 7/24/21. Emmy shares what the myth of meditation is and how to dispel it. She gives tips and suggestions on how to have an enjoyable meditation practice that will help you receive the healthy mind-body-spirit benefits. She shares how this quote is a great description of what can happen in meditation.
“Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises by itself?”
― Lao Tzu
Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
Balance and Harmony with Energy Healing
Episode 34 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares about “Balance and Harmony with Energy Healing” on the Healing Connections Podcast 7/9/21. Emmy describes how energy is vital life force that can be impacted by many aspects in life. She shares how you can be balanced and feel harmony by healing your own aura, chakras, and meridians by guiding you in two techniques – the Heaven-Earth meditation and EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique. She shares that love is the greatest healer and that most, if not all illness and disease comes from a lack of self-love and self-acceptance. Healing may be the evolution of our consciousness. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
The Intersection of Intuition and Health
Episode 33 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “The Intersection of Intuition and Health” on 7/2/21. Emmy shares that cultivating and engaging with your intuition can also improve your health. The word “heal” means whole. Health is wealth. She shares how you can tap into your intuition to benefit your physical and mental health. She helps you to have a personal experience with your intuition and spirituality. When connected to your intuition you can feel whole and complete and manifest your dreams for a more joyful life. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
How to Make the Best Decisions with Intuition
Episode 32 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares “How to Make the Best Decisions with Intuition” on 6/25/21. Emmy shares that one of the best ways intuition can serve you is with decision-making. She shares how to connect with your intuition through various activities, such as meditation, leisure activities, and movement. Intuition can help you to make the best decisions and hindsight can support making decisions in the present and future. Sometimes, we need more time and information to make decisions. Intuition can help you gather that information to make choices and feel more confident as you go forward. Emmy is the author of “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book directly from her or through Amazon or IngramSpark. Order book here.
Spirituality and Psychology
Episode 31 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dave Roberts, LMSW about “Spirituality and Psychology” on 6/9/21. Dave shares how is beliefs were reassessed and his spirituality expanded after the death of his daughter. He still values how science can help to understand psychology and behavior, and how the blend of spirituality and psychology can help heal past trauma better when used together. He describes how one can embrace new perspectives with core beliefs. We all have challenges to transcend for the evolution of our physical bodies and our goals. He shares how we live in a multidimensional universe and our loved ones are not far away. These experiences have helped his grief and changed the way he teaches his psychology courses to include spirituality. David J. Roberts, Licensed Marriage Social Worker, became a parent who experienced the death of a child, when his daughter Jeannine died of cancer on 3/1/03 at the age of 18. He is a retired addiction professional and an adjunct professor in the psychology and psychology-child life departments at Utica College. Dave has contributed numerous articles on transformation of grief, and addiction, to several online sites and publications. His first book is co-authored with Reverend Patty Furino, When The Psychology Professor Met The Minister, was published in March of this year. Learn more at PsychologyProfessorandMinister.com.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Episode 30 – Emmy Vadnais interviews Rhiannon Crispe, Occupational Therapist about “Healthy Lifestyle Tips” on 6/8/21. Rhiannon shares lifestyle optimization tips, how to engage in healthy habits and routines, change beliefs, lower stress, and eat, move, and play well. She shares how having an enjoyable morning routine can you to help manage stress, be more mindful, and less reactive throughout the day. She shares how health care professionals can learn holistic and integrative health, wellness, and prevention approaches in the OT Well-Being Summit that she created with Emmy Vadnais. Rhiannon Crispe is an occupational therapist, pediatric private practice owner and the founder of The OT Lifestyle Movement. She is passionate about supporting occupational therapists to pursue meaning in their lives by weaving their passion into their work. Rhiannon is the host of The OT Lifestyle Movement podcast where she interviews inspiring OT’s from around the globe who are following the thread of their curiosity and doing things differently. Visit the OTLifeStyleMovement.com Register and Learn more about the OT Well-Being Summit Visit the OT Lifestyle Movement on Facebook and Rhiannon Crispe on Instagram
Meaning Through Service
Episode 29 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Reena Singh, Holistic Occupational Therapist about “Meaning Through Service” on 6/1/21. Reena shares how her family’s influence and religious practices of Sikhism encouraged her to seek and follow service. She describes how she receives when she gives, and the process of service helps her to discover herself. Reena is a Holistic Occupational Therapist and founder of the Khushi Therapy Center based in Mumbai, India. She believes that the mind and body are connected and sees challenges from a whole person perspective. She combines complementary therapies and integral health techniques in her practice to help her clients at a deeper level. She has worked with neurodiverse kids and their families for 21 years, and is the author of two books: “Little Parenting Guru” and “Looking Beyond Labels…Becoming a Mindful Parent.” Her strength lies in blending her role as a parent and a therapist to offer the best practical strategies to support families who come to her. Music by Steven C. Anderson. Visit her website at https://khushi.net.in/ and her YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/ReenaSingh/featured
How to Sleep During Stressful Times
Episode 28 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Christina Spaeth-Harrer, OTR/L about “How to Sleep During Stressful Times” on 4/16/21. Christina Spaeth-Harrer is an occupational therapist who has over 20 years of experience providing holistic, sensory integration, developmental, and aquatic occupational therapy. She has provided therapy in a variety of locations that include clinics, schools, group homes, foster care, home care, and private practice with children and adults. Christina has an occupational therapy degree from the College of Saint Catherine and a minor in psychology. She has advanced training in therapeutic listening (listening with the whole body), myofascial release, the Wilbarger touch pressure protocol, sensory integration therapy, family Dynamics, typical and atypical development, the nurtured heart approach, oral motor techniques (Deborah Beckman techniques), aquatic therapy techniques, massage, music training and more. Visit CS-OT.com.
How to Be a Holistic Mama
Episode 27 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Michelle Bonang, OT/L about “How to Be a Holistic Mama” on 3/16/21. Michelle is a Mama to three amazing children she calls ‘loves’, an occupational therapist, registered yoga teacher, personal growth coach and developer of the Holistic Mama Membership Community. Through Michelle’s programs, she guides women through this sacred calling of motherhood with more peace, ease, self-love & vitality. Learn more at MichelleBonang.com
Health Wellness, and Disease Prevention
Episode 26 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L has a conversation with Ana Hernando, OTR/L, MOT, MBA about Health, Wellness, and Disease Prevention on the Healing Connections Podcast episode 25 on 2/4/21. Visit Emmy Vadnais.com and HolisticOT.org.
Ana is passionate about complementary and integrative health. She holds several certifications including Sensory Specialist, Level III Reiki provider, Self Talk Speaker and Trainer, Life Coach and Chair Yoga for Seniors provider. Ana focuses on empowering people to reclaim their health from the inside out. She is the creator of the 12wks2wellness program. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology, a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and a Master’s of Business Administration. She has conducted continuing education seminars for several years and has been a guest speaker for America Airline Professional Women in Aviation, Texas Autism Conference, MOPS International, Mothers of Multiples, and The Lions Club International. Ana lives in a suburb of Dallas and currently consults for The Center for Cardiovascular Health as well as owns and operates her private practice, Holistic Solutions focusing on wellness and health promotion. Visit DoctorAna.net.
Healing with Astrology
Episode 25 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Liam Watt about “Healing with Astrology.” He shares how astrology can help us to know ourselves, understand relationships, and develop spirituality with a greater connection to the cosmos. Liam is a professional astrological counselor. Contact Liam at [email protected].
Intuitive Development
Episode 24 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares the benefits of Intuitive Development and tips and suggestions for listening to and trusting your intuition. She share various exercises to strengthen your intuition, including meditation, how to make your own intuitive cards, and several ways to induce the relaxation response. Developing your intuition can help you make good choices and decisions in your life and enhance your health, relationships, and spirituality. Her new book is available now, “Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality.” You can purchase her book at her website, on Amazon, or encourage your local bookstore to carry it. Visit EmmyVadnais.com and HolisticOT.org.
Giving a Voice to Animals
Episode 23 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Kathy Van Guilder about “Giving a Voice to Animals.” Kathy is an animal communicator who has served as a conduit between people and their pets for almost 15 years. Kathy helps deepen people’s understanding and connection with their pets, solves behavioral issues, addresses health concerns such as pain and discomfort, and reconnects people with deceased pets through one on one personal sessions and classes. She works with animals and their human companions in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area, greater Minnesota, throughout the United States, and globally. Kathy is the author of, For the Love of Animals, the untold thoughts of our pets, a book that shares stories and photographs of some of the animals she has communicated with. Helping people to better understand their pets, what they are thinking, and their behaviors. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Angel Eyes” from the album “Healing Piano.” Visit KathyVanGuilder.com.
Exploring Healing Racism in Health Care
Episode 22 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Sheela Ivlev, MS, OTR/L about “Exploring Healing Racism in Health Care.” Sheela shares terms commonly used in the topic of racism, provides education, and explores ways that racism can be healed in health care. Sheela is an occupational therapist who specializes in wellness and mental health. She is committed to removing the barriers to care that keep people from accessing services for health and wellness. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “The Cradle” from the album “Healing Piano.” Learn more about Sheela and ways to heal racism at OTBayArea.com.
Coaching for Health and Wellness
Episode 21 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Ana Hernando, OTR, MOT, MBA about “Coaching for Health and Wellness.” Ana shares what coaching is, how it can benefit a person in all areas of their life, what to look for in a coach, and why occupational therapists may have the most unique set of skills to provide coaching for the mind, body, and spirit. Ana is passionate about complementary and integrative health. She holds several certifications including Sensory Specialist, Level III Reiki provider, Self Talk Speaker and Trainer, Life Coach and Chair Yoga for Seniors provider. Ana focuses on empowering people to reclaim their health from the inside out. She is the creator of the 12wks2wellness program. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology, a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and a Master’s of Business Administration. She has conducted continuing education seminars for several years and has been a guest speaker for America Airline Professional Women in Aviation, Texas Autism Conference, MOPS International, Mothers of Multiples, and The Lions Club International. Ana lives in a suburb of Dallas and currently consults for The Center for Cardiovascular Health as well as owns and operates her private practice, Holistic Solutions focusing on wellness and health promotion. Visit DoctorAna.net.
The Intuitive Mind
Episode 20 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD about “The Intuitive Mind.” Jeffrey is host and producer of the New Thinking Allowed channel on YouTube. He is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. Visit NewThinkingAllowed.com.
Acupressure and Your Health
Episode 19 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Marilyn Zurwaski, OTR/L and Carroll Noel-Mozer, OTR/L about “Acupressure and Your Health.” Marilyn Zurwaski is the Co-President for Soul Lightening International. Marilyn is a Soul Lightening certified practitioner for Clinical Acupressure and Process Acupressure, and teaches several of their acupressure courses. Marilyn is an occupational therapist, and for the past 25 years she has been in private practice providing occupational therapy in Middleboro, MA. Carroll Noel-Mozer is an occupational therapist at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital’s outpatient site in Wellesley, MA. She has more than 35 years of experience in neurological and orthopedic disorders. Carroll is Neurodevelopmental Technique trained and has taken several acupressure courses that she uses extensively in her practice. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Decade” from the album “Spiritual Piano.” Visit SoulLightening.com and TotalApproachTherapy.
Living in a Wild Country: Is a Community Based on Love Possible?
Episode 18 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Niren, also known as Philip Toelkes about “Living in a Wild Country: Is a Community Based on Love Possible?” Niren has been a lawyer for over 40 years, a daily meditator for over 30 years, and a mediator and coach for over 20 years – from big firm lawyer, he has come to a very quiet life, in nature, meditating, writing and doing his work as a Consciousness Coach. He may be best known for being Osho’s lawyer and was featured in the Emmy award winning documentary, “Wild, Wild Country” on Netflix. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Embraced” from the album “Heart Strings.” Visit NirenConsciousnessCoaching.com.
Yoga for Kids
Episode 17 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Theresa Tovey, MOTR/L about “Yoga for Kids.” Terry is an occupational therapist who uses children’s yoga as a therapeutic modality extensively in her work as a public school OT. Embedding student’s OT goals into what she calls sensory-motor yoga has allowed Terry to work holistically addressing the development of the Whole Child. Teaching breathing and meditation practices, an integral part of children’s yoga, provide students with tools they can use both inside and outside of school. In 2015, Terry became a Lead Trainer for Radiant Child Yoga allowing her to spread her passion and love of children’s yoga to more adults and therefore to more children. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Colors/Dance” from the album “Healing Piano.” Learn more at LightInYouYoga.com.
Heaven and Earth
Aging Well
Episode 15 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Mandy Chamberlain, MOTR/L about “Aging Well.” Mandy is an occupational therapist with a passion for working with the older adult population and the founder of SeniorsFlourish.com and the membership site, The Learning Lab. Both are dedicated to helping other geriatric OT’s be the best they can be through education, resources, tips and videos. Her varied clinical background includes working with geriatrics through long term care, home health services, home modification consultation, assisted living, inpatient critical access and outpatient therapy services. The book mentioned about preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s is: “The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.” Music by Steven C. Anderson: “First Touch” from album “Healing Piano.” Please visit SeniorsFlourish.com.
Whole Person Care
Episode 14 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Kelly Clancy, OTR/L, CHT about “Whole Person Care.” She is an Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist, a board-certified Structural Integrator, Senior Instructor for the Bowen Academy of Australia, a Holistic Health Counselor, and a nationally board-certified Massage Therapist. She teaches nationally and internationally on the therapeutic approach that she developed called Tensegrity Medicine. Kelly has been practicing in the field of Occupational Therapy for over 32 years. She uses her skills as a manual therapist and ergonomist to address the postural components that contribute to pain and dysfunction. Her focus is not only on the physical issues that may be present, but also on the relationship of stress, cognitive belief patterns and emotions and their impact on the physical body. Her expertise is in using the biotensegrity model in teaching assessment, manual therapy, and movement interventions to create three dimensional global balance in the global structure. Kelly is on clinical faculty at the University of Washington’s rehabilitation department where she lectures on the topics of ergonomics, fascia, hand therapy, innovative manual therapy, and whole body medicine. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Embraced” from album “Heart Strings.” Please visit KellyClancy.com.
How Tarot Benefits the Health of Society
Episode 13 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Pamela Eakins, PhD about “How Tarot Benefits the Health of Society.” Dr. Pamela Eakins is a Sociologist and Visionary Cosmologist. She has taught at Stanford University, the University of Colorado, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is the author of several books including Tarot of the Spirit, Priestess, and Visionary Cosmology. Currently, she teaches in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as online. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Raindrops and Rainbows” from album “Past to Presence – Mellow.” Please visit PamelaEakins.net and TarotoftheSpirit.com.
Yoga for Healing Neurological Conditions
Episode 12 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dr. Arlene Schmid, PhD, OTR, FAOTA about “Yoga for Healing Neurological Conditions.” Arlene has been an occupational therapist for over 20 years and started to use yoga with her clients in the late 90s. She pursued her PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Florida with the intention of studying the benefits of yoga for people with disabilities. For over a decade, Arlene has developed and tested yoga interventions for research participants with a variety of illnesses and disabilities, including, but not limited to: stroke, TBI, chronic pain, neuropathy, and Parkinson’s Disease. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Soaring-Joy” from the album “Past to Presence – Mellow.”
Love, Art & Healing
Episode 11 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Anne Labovitz about “Love, Art & Healing.” Labovitz is an American artist based in St Paul, Minnesota, whose practice includes painting, drawing, and printmaking as well as experimental film and sound. Labovitz has a degree in psychology and art from Hamline University in St. Paul and a Masters in Fine Art from Transart Institute via Berlin and New York. Her work considers many themes often returning to the central notion of an enduring interest in people—the human spirit, its emotional resonance, and the way it manifests in relationships. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Temporary Spacesuits” from the album “Spiritual Piano.” Learn more about or collaborate with Anne Labovitz.
Consciousness and Healing
Episode 10 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD about “Consciousness and Healing.” Dr. Mishlove is host and producer of the New Thinking Allowed channel on YouTube. He is author of “The Roots of Consciousness”, “Psi Development Systems”, and “The PK Man.” He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Mystery in the Moment” from the album “Spiritual Piano.” Learn more about Jeffrey Mishlove and visit “New Thinking Allowed.”
How Healing Works
Episode 9 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dr. Wayne Jonas about “How Healing Works.” Dr. Wayne Jonas is a practicing family physician, an expert in integrative health and health care delivery, and author of “How Healing Works.” Dr. Jonas is currently the Executive Director of Samueli Integrative Health Programs, an effort supported by Henry and Susan Samueli to empower patients and doctors by providing solutions that enhance health, prevent disease and relieve chronic pain. He has served in the roles of Director Office of Alternative Medicine at the NIH, Director of the World Health Organization Center for Traditional Medicine, and as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Samueli Institute. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Letting Go” from the album “Spiritual Piano.” Learn more about Dr. Jonas.
Healing with Spiritual Communication and Reiki
Episode 8 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA about “Healing with Spiritual Communication and Reiki.” Rebecca or “Becky” Austill-Clausen is an award-winning author and Occupational Therapist. In 1995, Rebecca had a Spiritual Transformative Experience when she discovered her ability to communicate with her 37-year-old brother who died. She became a Reiki Master and has been teaching Reiki to OT practitioners at the AOTA Annual Conference each year since 2015, at university medical professional programs, and state conferences. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Time/Peace” from the album “Past to Presence – Mellow.” Learn more about Becky.
Yoga to Heal the Healer
Episode 7 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Betsy Shandalov, OTR/L, C-IAYT about “Yoga to Heal the Healer.” Betsy has been an occupational therapist for 25 years and a yoga therapist for 10 years, with her certification through the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She treats adults and children in a variety of healthcare and educational settings and in private practice. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Above the Clouds” from the album “Past to Presence – Mellow.” Learn more about Betsy and her practice.
Science, Magic, and Intuition
Episode 6 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dean Radin, PhD about “Science, Magic, and Intuition.” Dean Radin, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Something Above and Beyond” from the album “Past to Presence – Mellow.” Learn more about Dean and his scientific contributions.
A Holistic Approach to Pain
Episode 5 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Deborah Rogers, OTR/L an Occupational Therapist and Reiki Master who practices integrative medicine for pain management, prompted by her own physical injuries and resulting chronic pain. Deborah shares her story of injury, pain, and recovery and what may help people “Come back from pain.” Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Angel Eyes” from the album “Healing Piano.” Learn more about Deborah and her practice.
Nutrition & Health
Feed Your Family Healthy: Improve Mood, Behavior, and Immune Function
Episode 4 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Tina Gilberti, FDN, OTR/L an Occupational Therapist for over 20 years and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She is passionate about helping her clients get to the root of their symptoms, identifying hidden imbalances and stressors and developing protocols to optimize their health and wellness. Tina has created an online Holistic LENS training program for OT’s to help them identify and address Lifestyle, Environmental, Nutritional and Stress factors impacting on their clients’ conditions. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Blue & True” from the album “Past to Presence – Mellow.” Learn more about Tina and her practice.
Yoga in Health Care
Episode 3 – Yoga is becoming more popular in health care. Emmy Vadnais interviews Mandy Lubas, OTR/L, RYT, AWC – an Occupational Therapist, Yoga Therapist, and Ayurvedic Wellness counselor about Yoga and the 8 Limbs. She shares how it has helped her with her personal health care and in her health care practice. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Angel Eyes” from the album “Healing Piano.” Learn more about Mandy and her practice.
How Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Can Improve Your Life
Episode 2 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L interviews Dan Eisner, OTR/L who specializes in Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence Development, and how these skills can improve both personal and professional outcomes. He is the author of The Clinical Success Formula, a practical, evidenced based guide designed to empower the reader and the service they provide. The newly released book has already become required reading in top OT programs including Tufts and Washington University. Dan speaks regularly at universities and healthcare conferences, and has received rave reviews around the topic of How to Support Yourself While Caring for Others. He also works as a Psychiatric OT at the University of MD Medical Center, and works with private clients at Dan Eisner Consulting. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Angel Eyes” from the album “Healing Piano.” Learn more about Dan and his practice.
Integrative Medicine and the Transformation of Health Care
Episode 1 – Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L and Carisa Hillman, OTS discuss the benefits of Integrative Medicine and how it is transforming health care, and how most of us are affected by negative stress. Tips, suggestions, and research are shared on how to manage stress, induce the relaxation response to help prevent disease, and in certain cases possibly even recover from illness or disease. Music by Steven C. Anderson: “Behind the Waterfall” from the album “Healing Piano.”