Documentation and Billing OT and Integrative Health
I have received many requests for classes and information about documentation and billing OT and integrative health.
I created this video five years ago for full members of the Holistic OT Community. Today, I’m making it public to everyone. I may, in the future, create a whole class on this topic.
Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L shares information and ideas about how to document and bill for OT and integrative health in this video.
This video was originally released in 2018 for the full members of the Holistic OT Community on the members page at HolisticOT.org. It is now being released publicly due to popular demand.
It is not meant to be the gospel. Please check with your local laws and insurance guidelines.
Also, contact the insurance company if you feel they’re being unreasonable and educate them about the researched benefits of your services.
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